Friday, June 9, 2023
Visit the 2023 Conference Website
Visit the Ancestor Poster Room to hear presentation about found ancestors.
Learn about our sponsors in their virtual booths
Get links to the Annual Awards Ceremony and Conference
All members of the Sons & Daughters of the United States Middle Passage
Master of Ceremony
Orice Jenkins
Sons & Daughters of the United States Middle Passage Board Member
Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing
Recording from G. Preston Wilson
Assistant Professor at Rider University
Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Evelyn McDowell, President and Chair of the Board of Directors
Keynote Address
Dr. Dawn Chitty, Director of Education, African American Civil War Museum
Orice Jenkins, Member of Sons & Daughters of United States Middle Passage
Historical-Event (Nonfiction)
Black Homesteaders of the South by Bernice Alexander Bennett
Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall
Historical-Era, Historical-Memoirs, Biographies, Nonfiction
We’ll Fight It Out Here: A History of the Ongoing Struggle for Health Equity by David Chanoff and Louis W. Sullivan
Historical-Genealogical Research, Nonfiction
Slavery in Zion: A Documentary and Genealogical History of Black Lives and Black Servitude in Utah Territory, 1847-1862 by Amy Thiriot
Historical, Current Events, Nonfiction
The Black Reparations Project: A Handbook for Racial Justice by William Darity (Editor), A. Kirsten Mullen (Editor), Lucas Hubbard (Editor)
Historical Academic, Nonfiction
A “Disguised Scheme for Compensated Emancipation”: Accounting for the Gradual abolition in 19th century New Jersey
by Evelyn McDowell, PhD and Theresa Hammond, PhD
Historical Fiction
If Someday Comes: A Slave’s Story of Freedom by David Calloway
Certificates of Special Recognition
Aminah Toler, Chair, Kimberly Latortue, President, & Frank Godlewski of Friends of Howe House
Skip and Gigi, Curators and Owners of Best Richardson African Diaspora Literature and Culture Museum
Kathryn Puckett, Executive Director of Cleveland Hope
William Wells Brown Leadership Award
Guy Weston, Managing Director of the Timbuctoo Historical Society, Visiting Scholar at Rutgers University and Editor of Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society Journal.
Susie King Taylor Service Award
Hermina Glass-Hill, Executive Director of The Susie King Taylor Women’s Institute and Ecology Center
Ida B. Wells Leadership Award
Janice Cross Gilyard and Cherekana Feliciano, Hosts of Speak On It
Crispus Attucks Leadership Award
Adrienne G Whaley, Director of Education and Community Engagement, Museum of the American Revolution
Mary Jane Richards Leadership Award
Dr. Dawn Chitty, Director of Education, African-American Civil War Museum
Frederick Douglass Leadership Award
Stephen Hammond, Descendant Families of Arlington House Plantation
Virtual After Party
Evening with fun with drinks made by Chef Keesha, immediately following the awards ceremony.

Saturday, June 10, 2023
8:30AM Doors Open
Remembrance Ceremony
Asha McDowell
Dr. Evelyn McDowell, President and Chair of the Board
Plenary Session
Ric Murphy, President and Chair of the Board of SOFAFEA
Supporting a Claim For California Reparations, Adrienne Abiodun, live (virtual)
Connecticut Freedom Seekers in The U.S. Colored Troops – Frederick O. Cross, Joseph O. Cross, and Samuel G. Cross, The Legacy of Three Free Brothers During and After The U.S. Civil War, Janice Cross Gilyard live (virtual)
The Fighting Veals: A Family of Civil War Soldiers and Sailors, Alvin Blakes, pre-recorded w/ live Q&A
Comparative Analysis of Macon, Georgia 1860-70, Brenda A.Williams and Lana Reed live (in-person)
Reparations, Repair, and Genealogy Panel Discussion
Evelyn McDowell, Hollis Gentry, Jonnie Brown
Moderator: Desmond Hamilton, Founding Board Member of SDUSMP
Lunch cook-a-long with Chef Keesha O’Galdez
My 2nd Great Uncle Fought in the Union Army, Abraham Petty, left Wilkes County, North Carolina as a Slave and Returned Free! Ruth Hunt, live (virtual)
Gettysburg Miracle: A 158 Years To The Receipt of A Military Medal, Cherekana Feliciano, live (in-person)
Finding Family Members in Freedman’s Bank Records, Janice M. Sellers, live (virtual)
Break 2:30PM – 2:45PM
Exploring the Thomas Terrell Plantation Records, Orice Jenkins, live (virtual)
Germaine’s Grandchildren: An Undeniable Legacy, Charlotte Bocage, pre-recorded w/ live Q&A
Case Study: Margaret Booker, From Enslaved to Free During the Civil War, Kathy Marshall, pre-recorded w/ live Q&A
Closing Remarks
3:45PM – 4:00PM
Business Meeting for Members of SDUSMP
4:15PM – 5:00PM